Liu Xiaoyi chose to craft the piece School of Thought in conjunction with the imminent establishment of the University of the Arts Singapore, embarking on a novel exploration and inquiry into art education and its institutional frameworks. On stage, the collaboration features the 59-year-old Japanese contemporary dancer, Matsushima Makoto, and the 69-year-old Indonesian traditional dancer, Didik Nini Thowok.
By retrospectively delving into the embodied memories and training histories of these two artists, the work seeks to unravel the genesis of an artist. Both performers did not undergo conventional artistic training or graduate from art institutions; instead, they cultivated themselves through self-study and sought diverse opportunities for interdisciplinary exchanges, thus evolving into accomplished artists. In a sense, they embody the products of cross-cultural fertilization. Simultaneously, despite achieving fame in their respective cultural backgrounds, the two artists, on stage, reenact their journey from mutual acquaintance to observation, mutual learning, and harmonious or discordant coexistence. This hints at the possibility that the future of art education lies in blurring the boundaries of artistic forms, breaking down categorizations, and emphasizing individual and personal development.