Intercultural exchange is another key channel of innovation and a keyword to access the world of Zuni. For decades, Zuni has established global connections and creative dialogues across regions, fields, and disciplines, emphasising the ability of the theatre to create an experience that happens in real time and in a shared space and yet can simultaneously cut across time and space.
How does Zuni establish connections through cultural exchange? Zuni’s multiple exchange programmes and festivals have strived to establish links across cities and city-based cultural organisations – as opposed to nation-states and governmental institutions – to foster city-to-city creative exchanges in the Asia Pacific region but also between Asia and Europe; for example, through collaborations with partners in Berlin and Zurich. The large-scale transnational initiative Hong Kong Belt Road City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference has brought together creatives, critics, scholars, and policymakers from all over the Belt and Road region (Europe, Asia, the Middle East) to develop strategies and frameworks for cultural exchange and cultural development, including the development of the traditional performance cultures of Asia through technological innovation and aesthetic crossover. The project has produced yet another iteration of the One Table Two Chairs collaboration, integrated with experiments in the Tech Lab.
◤Notes from Editor
Immediately after the group’s establishment, Zuni represented Hong Kong in the 1st Asian Theatre Festival and Conference held in Taipei. Zuni has become a primary force in advocating and developing Hong Kong’s international cultural exchange strategy and cross-regional network since then. It has also led a cultural exchange strategy that takes the “city” as a unit, triggering a tri-cross platform of cross-city, cross-field and cross-cultural exchange. Over the last 40 years, Zuni has visited more than 80 cities in Europe, Asia, and America for cultural exchange activities and performances. Below are several exchange programmes Zuni has presented over the years.