Poetry Images Theatre: We, Symbols All Poetry Images Theatre: We, Symbols All Poetry Images Theatre: We, Symbols All
Poetry Images Theatre: We, Symbols All
Performer: Rebecca Yip
Poem/Director: Mathias Woo
Performer: Rebecca Yip
English Translation: Diana Liao
We, Symbols All
We, Symbols all
Symbols in a world of symbols
A role, an image
A barter, a bargain
1 + 0's 0 + 1
1 + 1 = Total
0 + 1 = Total
I am you I am he I am she
I am we and they
I am the world the world is I
I am I am I
The world has no one but me
In life, anything goes
Anything, o yes anything
Anything goes
Ideal is a string of words
A series of slogans
Five sayings four epithets
We are the world
We sing
We run
We jump
We walk
Step by step
On the high-rise
Under the open sea
We are water we are fire
We are mountain we are wind
That moment
That scene
That laugh
That sight
A patch of blue
Blue patches are now a flash of pale white memory
Game over in a flash Let there be light
Politics of politics
Politics for politics
Play of symbols
Play of words
Words and speech morphed into weapons
Constantly wrecking
Constantly regrouping
Making the world a better place
A better place
Gentle as wind and water
Brilliant as the shining moon
To destroy is to rebuild
The world on its head
The world on its feet
No law no heaven
For the people
New world old world
Heroes, anti-heroes
Genius, morons
Without 100 years of solitude
Nor one thousand / ten thousand years
Ten thousand ten thousand years
I want it now
River of no return upload download
Smart start
The post post post post modern world of 0+1
The no and no of right and wrong
One second is too much
I want it now
Spring flowers autumn moon wind flower talk to moon
Lust and hope
Note and keep
Way and truth
Life and death
What we know and feel
How we laugh and cry
Our despair
And our tears
Have all become...
Storylines and screen images
Voices and roaring fires
Nothing has anything real
Nor anything has anything fake
Images after images
Memories over memories
Illusions on illusions
A whole life during this life
No snow no rain
No breeze no falling leaves
No autumn no winter
No more...
You and I
When the sun turned white
You sent me a text message
The moment today's world ends tomorrow
You and I will be faded shadows
On the streets that no longer are
Dark shadows one by one
Sink into the grey earth
Step by step you and I
The time is 7 minutes 7 seconds past 7pm
You and I before the flash of white light
Is it the end ending
Has the past passed
Yangtze Yellow River Victoria Harbour
A glass of water
A puff of white smoke
How many years, how many fallen leaves
Wind is blowing, wind is blowing
Mobile phone is beeping
I am here I am here
In Harajuku and on Charing Cross Road
In the square on Chang An Da Jie
In the café of existentialists
When breath is sucked in
Like the silver river of fading memories
Gently in gently out
Light as feather heavy as mountain
Green on green the bamboo leaves
White on white the floating clouds
Two hands
Two eyes
Tears flow and sparkle
For billions of years
Remnants of blue ballpoint writings erased
from the yellowing paper of my black notebook
To Be or Not to Be
I write therefore I am
Tunes from the music box
You've let me taste happiness
Like a Rolling Stone
Water red as wine
Red is the fountain pen
Floating clouds flowing water
Fuck you fuck you
Perfect moment to fly me to the moon
Years passed more years passed
We are back we are back
Back to symbols all
M for Memory
N for Nothing
You see nothing
Nothing exists
Wisps of fog in the head
Bits of memory in the smoke
Backup in the notebook
Pitch-dark memory
Desire empty, empty desire
Ten thousand year-old rock
Ten thousand tons of sea water
Ten thousand gig of hardware
Ten thousand billion light years
A blank paper
A text message
Do you know?
Once, once
I forgot it was day or night
Black totally black black
1080107 (resolution)
Infinite of the infinitely infinite
Never of the never never
And so and so and so I reinvented myself again and again
What stone what water
Life is this transparent voice
Never the same
A drop here a drip there
Stones that are all called stones
Like dream like flower like rain like blood
Bleeding Type AB blood
A red mass of black
Splits and merges then splits then merges
Who am I? You or me or stone
Puff of smoke
Sweat from standing on the platform
Whiff of breath
The kind of feel I told you about that year
Nothing forgotten nothing needs forgetting
It's 9677267727
It's 1677897677
It's five dollars twenty cents
From Hillwood Road Tsim Sha Tsui to Central
History was that sea, those rocks
The eyes can see
I've become a rock
A symbol
The world has reached its end
Copy and Paste
Forever and ever right
Forever and ever wrong
New world new song
Again and again
Mountains beyond mountains
Tallest in the world in the universe
Pathetic to the highest degree
The just and the heroic
Chosen by history
Terminated by history
Into a letter
Into a puff of smoke
A beautiful puff of smoke
The hell with your moment
Drifting and dying, ashes